Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mommy Time: Good and Bad and Another Busy Weekend

Well, I think that it is just the beginning of a very busy summer.  This weekend we were very busy and traveling all over.  Any of you that know me well, know that I am not good at just staying home.  Some people may think I am crazy for taking the twins and Karter places by myself, but I don't really think much of it.  I love social activities and I think Karter does too.  She loves going to parties, which we did a lot of this weekend.

I did get to take a little break Friday night before it all began for a little "Mommy time."  I felt like I had been doing pretty good with getting no sleep, but I hit a little wall last week and told John I just needed a small break from changing diapers and feeding bottles.  A friend had given me a gift certificate for a nail place, so I decided I was going to pamper myself and think about nothing for an hour during a peidcure.  I stopped at the nail place and there was a little wait, so I decided to return something to Wal-Mart.  When you think you are just returning something, you think that it will just be a quick trip in and out of the store.  Not so much on a Friday at 5:00.  So my "Mommy time" started with me dreaming about the pedicure chair even more.  First the line at customer service was about 20 people deep.  I'm thinking about what color of polish I'm going to get and up walks two screaming kids behind me....I thought that was what I was getting away from for awhile.  I try to ignore it, but the 30 something year old couple and their young toddler in front of me, made that impossible.  The mom thought that it was hilarious to tickle her son so that he screamed so the people could hear him across the street at the nail salon.  It may have been cute if it just happened once, but no.  She decided to do it the over and over and over again.  I thought to myself, "Really Kari.  Just let it go.  It isn't something to get worked up over."  That thought helped for a couple seconds until I glanced at the mom and she is giving her son a "wet willy."  She seriously put spit on her fingers and put it into her less that 2 year old son's ear.  Are you kidding me?  I took a deep breath and just tried to remind myself not to get worked up over the woman that has a lower IQ than my 2 year old daughter.  So to sum it up...this Mommy was very ready for her hour of pampering to enjoy herself.  I even got my brows waxed too.  It has been months since that has happened.

So the pampering was nice, but then it was back to "Mommyville", which I love a lot.  John helped his mom tile her kitchen last weekend, so as soon as I was home, he was off to make sure everything was ready to start on Saturday morning.  The kids and I headed to Indianola on Saturday to Ryan McCoy's graduation party.  I remember when he was playing in the dirt at our high school softball games, so it made me feel a little old.  After the party, we went to Grandma Connie and Papa Bob's for the boys' 1st overnighter.  Karter was very excited to stay since we hadn't been to my mom and dad's for months.  I think Karter stayed there once while I was on bedrest, but I hadn't been there since December.  It was nice to be there, because there is nothing like going home.  We got a visit from the Diehl's that night and then had 2 baby showers the next day.  Then I got to finish up the weekend with some more pampering by getting my hair colored and cut (which had also not been done since November)  by Lance while Lindsay played with Karter and watched the boys.  She is an awesome friend.  Karter loves going to the Diehl's farm, so it was to good to end a great weekend there.

I am still taking Karter to daycare, and I will until the 1st week of June.  It has been good to be able to spend the time with the boys and to have the time to rest myself, because there is no rest when our wild child is home.  She wears me out!  The boys are still waking up every 3 hours to eat and I have gotten the night time feedings down to about 30 minutes. This is especially helpful when 1 of the boys decides to only sleep for an hour and a half before waking up to get me out of bed. 

So we will try to rest up before another busy weekend of graduation parties, a birthday party, and a wedding.  The boys are having fun meeting so many people!

Here are some pictures from the week.

Karter with her new water toy for her birthday. 

Max snoozing before getting his clothes changed.

Sweet Kane


  1. I love the pics! I can't believe you have time to type all this up, but I am glad you do. I love reading this. I am missing Karter and the boys. I am going to try to get over there to see them this week.

  2. Everyone is so DANG cute!! I am looking forward to meeting them. Lets see pictures of your hair and nails :)
